Friday, October 10, 2014

For Your TBR Pile - The Last Time We Say Goodbye

The Last Time We Say Goodbye
By Cynthia Hand
Published: February 10,  Harper Teen

From GoodReads: The last time Lex was happy, it was before. When she had a family that was whole. A boyfriend she loved. Friends who didn't look at her like she might break down at any moment.

Now she's just the girl whose brother killed himself. And it feels like that's all she'll ever be. As Lex starts to put her life back together, she tries to block out what happened the night Tyler died. But there's a secret she hasn't told anyone-a text Tyler sent, that could have changed everything.

Lex's brother is gone. But Lex is about to discover that a ghost doesn't have to be real to keep you from moving on.

Thank you Harper Teen for the ARC!

My Thoughts:

This book was love at first sight for me. I read the synopsis and my first thought was, "This book is going to wreck me." And it did on, like, the fifth page.

The funny thing is every time I've talked about this book, people cringe when they hear it's about a girl whose brother commits suicide. But this book is not so much about suicide, and more about how a family can recover from it.

Cynthia Hand's prose is gorgeous and countless times I wanted to start highlighting passages (but didn't because I hear book abuse is bad).

The guilt Lex carries with her is palpable and raw. I loved that the character was so analytical and used her logical skills to overcome grief. It was an interesting how she rationalized her brother's death, pushing away her friends and boyfriend, comforting her mother, and forgiving her father. Most of all, the relationship she had with her brother was loving and wonderful. It completely broke my heart how much she loved him and missed him--and even sought him out when she new logically he wasn't there anymore.

Yes, this book will wreck you. But in a very, very good way.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Valerie, this sounds very much like it would wreck the reader. The title alone is heart-wrenching. And so perfect! It hits a bit too close to home for me, though, and I'm hoping I never have a need to read it to recover from anything like this. I'm glad it was written 'cause it's an all-too-common tragedy to have to recover from...


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