Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Agents Like Us - Roseanne Wells

Agents Like Us asks agents all their deep, dark agenting secrets. This week, Roseanne Wells of the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency is here!

She's actively looking for young adult, middle grade, sci-fi, fantasy, and detective novels. You can find her submission guidelines here, and tweeting under @RivetingRosie.

Roseanne's answers are below in bold. Let us know what makes her like you in the comments!

Roseanne on Agenting

  • When writers query me, I really wish they were finished with their work. I have a lot of writers who think they are done, and then write me two weeks later with another query or revision. Revise all you want, let it rest, and when you are really ready, trust yourself. Be brave, and don't touch it while it's out on submission.
  • My favorite part about being an agent is the clients and the work and the people and the books and the yeses and the contracts and my agency ... wait, you said one fave? 
  • Rules and trends aside, what I really look for in a story is a character who does something. It seems simple, but I want to connect to someone's story, to find a kindred spirit and follow them on their journey.
  • Whenever I make a book deal, I have to remember to breathe! And then there's a happy dance. And then a happy phone call. And more happy dancing. 
  • I really wish I saw more unique contemporary like ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS or beautiful and heartbreaking fantasy like GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS and Francesca Lia Block or kickass ladies like Tamora Pierce's Alanna in the slush.
Roseanne on Clients
  • My ideal client would be a writing cyborg who wrote all day and night. Kidding! I look for clients who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work as a partnership. I also look for clients that have done their research, that want to be part of the reading community and reach out to their fans, that are serious about their writing but can also have fun and laugh at themselves. And who like cat videos.
  • What I love most about my current clientele is they are passionate about their work, wickedly talented, and nice people. What more could I ask for?
  • What I want most for any client is to be successful as they define it for themselves.

Roseanne on Life

  • If I weren't an agent, I'd probably be an editor, or a dancer, or a Shakespeare scholar, or a book reviewer. But I'm sticking with agent; it's my favorite.
  • My favorite (non-client) book is really hard to choose. You ask hard questions! One of the most reliably comforting books is a collection of Hafiz poetry, interpreted by Daniel Ladinsky. It's a wonderful way to reflect on the day or the week, to gain perspective, to remember it's only life, no big deal! It's a favorite among many.
  • Secretly, I'm terrified of mice, though it's not a secret. 
  • My secret boyfriend is Hugh Jackman. Thoughtful, intelligent, kind hearted. Oh, and is ridiculously hot. Also, Feminist Ryan Gosling. Shhh, don't tell Jackman. 
  • I have a total girlcrush on Ellen Degeneres. She. Is. Awesome. Also Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen, who is my modern cooking muse.
  • Sometimes, when no one is around, I cook or bake. I like to have lots of space, so I try to save my more elaborate projects when I know I no one will be home.
  • My favorite drink is bourbon neat, or Hendrick's and tonic.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I love her encouragement not to touch manuscripts while they are out on submission.

    How is she like me? Several ways, but I'll pick three: We both are fans of ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, Shakespeare, and doing happy dances. :)


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