Her answers are below in bold. Let us know what makes Kristin like you in the comments.
Kristin on Writing
- I've written many! books, and 1, so far, has seen the light of day (the second comes out winter 2015).

- My favorite type of scenes to write are the ones that make me feel hard--make me cry, make me swoon, take me back to a meaningful place I've been so I feel like I'm there again.
- No matter how long I've been writing, I still have issues with worldbuilding. It's something I continually work to improve. I tend to be sparse and don't always provide enough info.
- A typical comment from my critique partner is the pacing at the beginning is kind of slow. Something else I still work on.
- The book I wished I wrote is HOW I LIVE NOW by Meg Rosoff. I love the prose and the voice. And the characters.
Kristin on Getting Published
- If my agent really knew how crazy I was, she would find out . . . hmm. I think they already know I'm a bit crazy? I don't hide it very well.
- When I was querying, I felt rejected. Frustrated. Hopeful. Fierce.
- The biggest mistake I ever made querying was sending out a ms that wasn't ready. I think this is really common.
- The craziest thought I've ever had while writing and being published is I love this and I'm going to keep doing it no matter how hard it is.
- When I got "The Call," my first thought was this is what a dream realized feels like.
- When I saw my book sale in Publishers Marketplace, I clapped like a drunk seal and squee'd.
Kristin on Life Outside Writing
- If I weren't a writer, I'd probably run a food truck. Or a bakery. Or a food truck bakery.
- Secretly, I'm terrified of ghosties and goblins. Like, REALLY scared. Weeks of sleepless nights kind of scared. Which is why I don't watch horror films.
- My secret boyfriend is James McAvoy. Luckily, we're both married to people we adore. In fact, the way he loves and respects his family is one of the things I admire most about him.
- Sometimes, when no one is around, I gorge on warm chocolate chip cookies and ice cream for dinner. Preferably while watching Dirty Dancing. Sometimes I do that when people ARE around, too.
Thanks Valerie for another installment of Writers Like Us! I really love these!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'll have this book on my radar! THANKS!! xoxo
I adore this book, and now I adore the author as well.